Salvo indicação contrária, todas as imagens e texto, aqui apresentados são da autoria de David Guimarães. A utilização de imagens, texto na íntegra ou excertos, sem autorização expressa do Autor é proibida.

Unless otherwise indicated, all text and images presented here are by David Guimarães. The use of images, full text or excerpts without express permission of the author is prohibited.

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Champagne Supernova

"How many special people change, how many lives are livin in strange, where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannon ball, where were you while we were getting high?...
Cos people believe that they gonna get away  for the Summer,
but you and I, we live and die,
the world still spinning round
we don't know why, why?..."
Noel Gallagher in Champagne Supernova

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